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Chassis number - at MOT time!

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  • Chassis number - at MOT time!

    The MOT guys were doing some serious head-scratching trying to enter the 5-digit chassis number into their computer - whatever they tried, the DVLA pooter rejected it. Even a phone call got them nowhere.

    My MOT therefore sports 'unknown' in the chassis section. Looking back on all my computerised MOTs, I find they ALL have the same entry.

    What have others done about this?

  • #2
    Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

    Hi Donnie,
    After I built my roadster in 1983 and following an inspection by the a Road Traffic Inspector I took all documentation to my Local Registration office.
    They issued me with an eleven digit Vin Number which appears to be an amalgamation of the year of the donor car, the marlin chassis number and the date when I registered the kit.
    I then punched this number onto a plate and fixed it to the car.
    The Vin Number issued is on my Registration Certificate.
    This number has been used for all tests since then.
    Was your vehicle issued with a unique number on first registration after the kit was completed?

    Regards Austin


    • #3
      Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

      Hi Austin. Thanks for the reply.

      I'm guessing that the chassis number of my Berli was the original number issued and stamped by Marlin themselves on a small metal strip in the usual place - the outside of the foot-well.

      I'm the third (I think) owner of the Marlin, so don't know what happened at registration time.

      It's not a problem as such - everything is legal enough. But all my MOTs have chassis number 'not found', and the poor guys spend at least half an hour each time trying to get the computer to accept it!

      Ah well...


      • #4
        Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

        My Berli has the 5 digit maker's plate but has also been allocated an eleven digit VIN which is displayed on a nice brass plate. This is from the on the road dsate in 1989. The MoT system is now fully automated and any deviation from the so called norm is rejected. (see Douglas Adams Vogon explanation - resitance is useless). You will need to state the vehicle weight too. Hopefully the local registration office will be kind!
        Good luck mate.
        Marlin Berlinetta 2.1 Efi


        • #5
          Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

          Funnily enough, this (and my previous 3) MOT forms have a 'not found' on the chassis number section, but it all seems to be - surprisingly - acceptable by DVLA.

          I know what you mean about the DVLA computer being pedantic, tho'. After my first MOT, I - initially - got refused a tax disc at the Post Office as its computer wouldn't confirm that I had a valid MOT despite me bringing the paper MOT with me to the counter. Fortunately, the assistant was allowed to use her 'personal judgement' to over-ride the computer, so I got my disc. Later, I found that the MOT station had typed in a 'O' instead of a '0' in my reg number...


          • #6
            Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

            Hi everyone. How inconsistant the DVLA is, my cars identifying number, supplied by Marlin, is located on a little strip of metal on the outside of the n/s footwell. It is a four figure number followed by SB identifying the car as a Seirra Berlinetta, this is also the number that appears on the MOT cert. and has done so since it was first tested and no ones queried it. regards Brian


            • #7
              Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!


              I am trawling through the early threads of the Berlinetta section trying to get up to speed on the model, I came across this thread.

              Have all four and five digit chassis numbers been 'upgraded' to the seventeen digit international standard number now?

              I have the original V5 issued in September 1991 stating correctly that the vehicle is a Marlin Berlinetta with a sports body and the correct engine and chassis numbers. The chassis number is a four digit number.

              Can anybody give me any idea what to expect (with regards to the chassis number) when I come to MOT and licence the car please?


              • #8
                Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

                My roadster has only its original four digit(Marlin) chassis number with a Q plate. Every year the MOT man comments is that the only numbers? I would expect the MOT man would want to see the same number that is the VIN number on the V5c. My sons car sits on its donor registration although the V5c now says Marlin and we had to make a VIN plate with the original donor VIN number on it for the DVLA inspection. My advice would be to make sure the numbers on the car match what's on the V5c and take the V5c with you to the MOT station...............................Sorry about the block typing my return button doesn't work on this forum.
                Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


                • #9
                  Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

                  When I registered my Berli in 1993 in Edinburgh they issued a new much longer number.


                  • #10
                    Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

                    Mine has the 17 character VIN which was supplied in 1988. This is displayed on a nice brass plate next to the Marlin 5 character chassis number.

                    The vehicle weight still causes issues at MoT time. My Berli with Pinto and type 9 has been weighed on a local weighbridge at just over 900Kg. My recent (last week) MoT was a little delayed because the inspector was not sure about the weight despite my showing him the weighbridge docket. Otherwise he was great and just gave the car a smoke test.
                    Marlin Berlinetta 2.1 Efi


                    • #11
                      Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

                      Robert you have no problem as long as the 4 digit no is recorded on your V5 as the Vin no. These numbers which the Marlin kits left the factory with, were acceptable by the DVLA as the vin no for some time. Then some DVLA offices would not accept them and demanded more digits for the Vin. This was at first registration. There were also builders who created their own unique no. I dont know how long your car has been without a current MOT ( long time I guess) So at mot time take the V5 to help the tester to log in your cars details, and if asked for the weight I suggest 900 KG.


                      • #12
                        Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

                        Thanks Danny and the other replies. I presume the MOT will have run out about the same time as the last tax disk, Feb 1992. so it's IRO 21 years.

                        The catalogue of issues I have discovered during the strip down would amount to a massive fail.

                        The rear suspension, steering rack, steering column, wiring, seats (loose) exhausts, engine and gearbox mounts etc. I suspect the owner at the time took stock and decided against what I am doing, which is a complete reconditioning.


                        • #13
                          Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

                          Dont worrey, only problem is the Mot Inspector himself .The value points stated by colleges are all correct. Presenting old cert, plus stating Weight and to be shown where Marlin bulkhead plate No is, thats all I have found to be needed.
                          After having s/hand cars and m/cycles for last 51yrs and living in several places in the South arear I have found in past that renewing at same MOT centre says it all.
                          I have discovered to my ills that attending Mot centers only doing and offering cheaper cut Mot has a knockback. Was informed by insider that they have to fail a quoter to maintain there licence.
                          A good garage that does Mot and repairs is best I have found over the years.
                          As far as test are concerened,having an older doner car they have to scratch there heads to find 45 min lapse befor committing to a new cert.
                          The Gov computor is signed in at start of test and 40 min must lapse befor any new entry on that Registration is made, making total time of 45 min to comply with a complete test . Therefor they have more time to look deeper into build, after checking General funtions. Instead of plugging into mapping fault unit and reading possable faults either showing or background events.
                          The goverment computor then acepts findings and prints a white strange looking new mot cert.
                          Last edited by fredsajs; 14-08-13, 08:31 AM. Reason: spelling and forgoten wording


                          • #14
                            Re: Chassis number - at MOT time!

                            Thank you Fred, I have been using the same Garage for the last 15 years or so, they are very sensible. If they find a fault it fails but they don't seek ways of failing a car for silly reasons.

